Public Notice - Regular meeting - 2025-02-18
In addition, the regular meeting will be broadcast on YouTube, and those wishing to view the session may do so by clicking on the following link. If you prefer to listen to the meeting in its original version without translation, please click on this link.
The agenda is available on the Town's website under Council meetings.
Sylvain Montreuil
2025 Shediac March Break

Public notice - Rezoning requests
The Shediac Municipal Council is considering two (2) requests to amend By-law P-14-36, entitled “Shediac Municipal Plan”, as well as By-law Z-14-44, enacted on April 28, 2014, and filed in the Westmorland County Registry Office under no. 33795973, on May 23, 2014.
A public presentation will be given on the modification of the Land Use Map designation at the regular meeting of February 18, 2025, at 6 pm in the council chambers.
Interested persons may consult these drafts by-laws at the Town Clerk's Office at Shediac Town Hall from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to noon and from 1 pm to 4 pm and on Friday from 8 am to noon.
You can also consult the following documents on our website in the Regulations, by-laws and municipal plan section.
Sylvain Montreuil