For all matters relating to municipal by-law enforcement:
Claude Maillet
Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer
Telephone: (506) 531-7197
Fax: (506) 532-6156
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Click here to view the municipality's common regulations.
Town of Shediac Proposed By-Laws
- No. 91-25A - Relating to the prevention of excessive noise
- No. 03-14 - A by-law enacted to regulate and license pedlars and transient traders
- No. 06-15 - A by-law relating to the regulating and licensing of the owners and operators of taxicabs
- No. B-22-10 - Regarding the budget of Centre-Ville Shediac Downtown Inc.
- No. F-13-50 - Outside Fires
- No. 23-24 - A by-law relating to the watrer system (and user charges)
- No. 10-18 - Animal Control
- No. 23-04 - Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
- No. 23-02 - Renumeration of the Mayor and Councillors
- No. 13-51 - Outdoor burning appliances
- No. 13-52 - Pawnbrokers and Second-Hand Dealers
- No. 14-37 - Subdivision of lands
- No. 08-40 - Respecting residential properties maintenance and occupancy code
- No. 14-46 - Building
- No. 14-49 - Emergency Planning
- No. 14-53 - Close of Dysart Street
- No. 15-21 - The use of Streets and sidewalks in the Town of Shediac
- No. 15-54 - Installation of a sanitary system along Breaux Bridge Street
- No. 22-23 - Collection and disposal of waste
- No. 16-55 - Close a portion of Chesley Street
- No. 16-56 - Installation of a sanitary sewer system along Ohio Road
- No. 17-57 - Installation of a sanitary sewer system and water service along Ohio Road
- No. 18-28 - Street traffic and parking in the town of Shediac
- No. 23-03 -Procedural of the Council of the Town of Shediac
- No. 58 - Economic Development
- No. 59 - Tall grasses in the town of Shediac
- No. 61 - Reduction of single-use plastic bags
- No. 62 - Designating portions of roads accessible to off-road vehicles
- No. 63 - Permanently close a portion of Chesley Street
- No. 23-64 - Code of conduct for elected officials
- No. 65 - Stormwater in the Town of Shediac
- No. 66 - Permanently stop up and close a portion of Maple Lane in Shediac
Town of Shediac Zoning By-Laws
- No. Z-14-44 Zoning By-Law - Consolidated May 2021
- No. Z-14-44 Zoning By-Law - Consolidated July 2017
- No. Z-14-44 Zoning By-Law – Consolidated March 2015
- No. Z-14-44 Zoning By-Law 28-04-2014
- No. Z-11-44-1Z (261 Main Street - Shediac Lobster Shop)
- No. Z-11-44-2Z (Greenwood Drive - Pointe-du-Chêne / Aglican Parish)
- No. Z-11-44-7Z (284 Main Street - Second Cup)
- No. Z-11-44-9Z (Revised condition- Riverside Drive-Bare land condominium Development - as of September 28, 2015)
- No. Z-11-44-9Z (Riverside Drive - Bare land condominium Development)
- No. Z-14-44 Schedule A (Zoning map)
- No. Z-14-44-1Z (Pointe-du-Chêne Campground) - Repealed on July 29, 2019
- No. Z-14-44-2Z (Domaine Beauséjour)
- No. Z-14-44-3Z (Shediac Camping) - Repealed on July 29, 2019
- No. Z-14-44-4Z (Administrative amendment)
- No. Z-14-44-5Z (101 Alphonse Street, Daycare)
- No. Z-14-44-6Z (Roy Mollins Drive - Residential and Commercial Buildings)
- No. Z-14-44-7Z (290 Main Street)
- No. Z-14-44-8Z (Administratives amendments)
- No. Z-14-44-9Z (Rezoning 401 Main Street)
- No. Z-14-44-10Z (Condo Riverside Drive) (repealed and replaced on May 3, 2021 by by-law Z-14-44-41Z)
- No. Z-14-44-11Z (Amend an existing condition contained in BY-LAW NO. Z-14-44-1Z and in BY-LAW NO. Z-14-44-3Z in order to extend the time limit required to meet the conditions imposed by Council) - Repealed on July 29, 2019
- No. Z-14-44-12Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44)
- No. Z-14-44-13Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44)
- No. Z-14-44-14Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44 - rural zone)
- No. Z-14-44-15Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44)
- No. Z-14-44-16Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) (Part 1 of 2)
- No. Z-14-44-17Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44)
- No. Z-14-44-18Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-44-44) - Hanington Road
- No. Z-14-44-19Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Corporation of the Anglican Parish of Shediac
- No. Z-14-44-20Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44)
- No. Z-14-44-21Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44)
- No. Z-14-44-23Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Royal Canadian Legion
- No. Z-14-44-24Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Shediac Camping
- No. Z-14-44-25Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Ohio Road
- No. Z-14-44-26Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - 434 Main Street
- No. Z-14-44-27Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Cornwall Road
- No. Z-14-44-28Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Bombardier Street
- No. Z-14-44-29Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Riverside Drive
- No. Z-14-44-31Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Rotary Park
- No. Z-14-44-32Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Pleasant Street
- No. Z-14-44-33Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Heritage Sites
- No. Z-14-44-34Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Breaux Bridge Street - Repealed and replaced with Z-14-44-38Z
- No. Z-14-44-35Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Caissie Avenue
- No. Z-14-44-36Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Riverside Drive
- No. Z-14-44-37Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Riverside Drive
- No. Z-14-44-38Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Breaux Bridge Street
- No. Z-14-44-39Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Project: Villa Providence
- No. Z-14-44-40Z (Amendment to the General Commercial zone)
- No. Z-14-44-41Z (Project - Riverside Drive)
- No. Z-14-44-42Z (Amending from Commercial Zone to Rural Zone)
- No. Z-14-44-43Z (Amendment to the R3 zone)
- No. Z-14-44-44Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44) - Dupuis Street
- No .Z-14-44-45Z (Amending Zoning By-Law Z-14-44 Zero net)
- No. Z-14-44-46Z (Amending the Zoning By-Law, Greenwood Drive PID 01044700)
- No. Z-14-44-47Z (Amending the Zoning By-Law, Chesley Street PID 00866889)
- No. Z-14-44-48Z, (Amending the Zoning By-Law, Chesley Street PID 70679881)
- No. Z-14-44-49Z (Amending the Zoning By-Law - Webster Street)
- No. Z-14-44-50Z (Amending the Zoning By-law) - Administrative Amendment
- No. Z-14-44-51Z (Amending the Zoning By-law) - General Commercial Zone to Commercial Manufacturing Zone PID 70445861
- No. Z-14-44-52Z (Amending the Zoning By-law) - Provisions on multi-family buildings in the R3 zoneNo. Z-14-44-52Z (Amending the Zoning By-law) - Provisions on multi-family buildings in the R3 zoneNo. Z-14-44-52Z (Amending the Zoning By-law) - Provisions on multi-family buildings in the R3 zone
- No. Z-14-44-55Z (Amending the zoning By-law) - Bellevue Heights - High-density residential R3 [PID 70685078]
Town of Shediac Municipal Plan
- No. P-14-36 - Muncipal Plan - Consolidated July 2017
- No. P-14-36 - Municipal Development Plan
- No. P-14-36-1P - Municipal Plan amendment
- No. P-14-36-2P - Municipal Plan amendment
- No. P-14-36-3P - Municipal Plan amendment
- No. P-14-36-4P - Municipal Plan amendment (Royal Canadian Legion)
- No. P-14-36-5P - Municipal Plan amendment (Ohio Road)
- No. P-14-36-6P - Municipal Plan amendment (Rotary Park)
- No. P-14-36-7P - Municipal Plan amendment (Project: Villa Providence)
- No. P-14-36-8P - Municipal Plan amendment (To redesinate to Rural Area (RA)
- No. P-14-36-9P - Municipal Plan amendment (Webster Street)
- GENERAL POLICY No. 12-07 - Respecting the linguistic landscape
- GENERAL POLICY No. 12-09 - Incentive Program as regards commercial development
- GENERAL POLICY No. 12-15 - Cultural Policy
- GENERAL POLICY No. 13-06 – Incentive Program as regards to residential development
- GENERAL POLICY No. 13-17 - Respecting the collection of branches in the Town of Shediac
- GENERAL POLICY No. 14-18 - Asset Management Policy
- GENERAL POLICY No. 15 - Management of light-emitting diode signs
- GENERAL POLICY No. 17-02 - Business expenses of members of Council
- GENERAL POLICY No 20-20 - Traffic Calming
- Notice to all dog owners (This information will be updated soon).
- Public Notice - Overnight Parking Restrictions
Municipal Specifications (updated in March 2022)
Subdivision Development Procedures, Standards and Guidelines
Design Criteria Manual for Municipal Services